21 quick and safe DIY cleaning hacks

Though the frequency of cleaning depends on our lifestyle and whether or not we can afford a housekeeping service, it’s a chore that stares us down with mounting pressure. I’ve got some serious housecleaning to do right now, but I’m short on time and the last thing I want to do after work is spend an […]
50 of the Best Cleaning Tips to Make Your House Look Like New

Remove build-up in your humidifier. Think about it: The water that makes your humidifier run smoothly is also breeding ground for mold and microbes. To clean, pour two cups of undiluted white vinegar into the water tank and swish it around until wet. Place the vinegar-filled tank on the base and allow it to drain […]
Secret Cleaning Tips From the Pros

These cleaning professional secrets will make your house sparkle from top to bottom. Every editorial product is independently selected, though we may be compensated or receive an affiliate commission if you buy something through our links. Ratings and prices are accurate and items are in stock as of time of publication. Cleaning Tips for an […]
Commercial Cleaning Tips for Post-Pandemic Life

It may seem like a no-brainer, but maintaining a clean workspace is important for any business. That’s because the appearance of your business, clinic, office, warehouse, or facility tells visitors exactly who your company is, and what they can expect from you. But it’s not just about looking clean — it’s also important to sanitize […]
7 Office Cleaning Tips For Clean Freaks

Sharing an office with other people isn’t easy when you are a clean freak, especially with those who don’t appear to give a care about clutter and office hygiene! Even if your office uses a regular cleaning company, certain cleaning jobs may not be getting the attention they deserve. To keep your hygiene standards and cleanliness […]